Everything I Wish & Hope For You

Axioms on hatred

"Sin, in its own nature, and apart from the mercy of God, deserves to be punished by God’s justice instantly, without remission and for eternity. Sin is death, real death, eternal death."

I hope your trust is trampled

I hope you lose your charismatic, sociopathic confidence

I hope you get spiritually reamed

With no lube

Until there’s blood and white bits

I hope you soil your pants minutes before an important lecture

I hope there's thumbtacks in every drawer you open

I hope your breath reeks of leeks and garlic every time you go to kiss lips that aren’t mine

I hope your first wife leaves you a single father

I hope your second wife bleeds through her dress at the altar

I wish I’m your third wife

I hope you stop using my flesh as paper and my blood as your ink

Look how far you’ve come since you turned my body into a boxing ring.

Here I lie, the prettiest punching bag when all I ever wished to be was your muse.

You’re mine whether you like it or not.

I hope to be happy for you.

I wish to forgive you.

I wish you forgive me. You say you have. You don’t treat me like it.

For now, my heart is full of hate and I am everything I wish for you.

I know greed, I know pride, I know lust.

I don’t know wrath, you’ve had mine for too long.

It sits in your mouth like pieces of a honey-crisp apple.

You like the way my sin tastes.

You like it more than my beauty.